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Create a claims batch

Updated inĀ March- 2024 |Ā Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

A claims batch is a group of claims that helps you to collect all the claims raised by employees for a specific duration. For example, you have created a claims batch for a particular month. All the expenses claimed by your employees for that specific month will be organized in the created claims batch. Each batch card displays the duration of the batch, no. of claim groups, no. of single claims, and respective amounts.

The Claims Batch page in the greytHR Admin portal allows you to create a new claims batch. To view the Claims Batch page, click Expense Claims > Claims Batch.

Here is a glimpse of the Claims Batch page:

You can perform the following actions on the Claims Batch page:

  1. Create a claims batch.

  2. Mark a claim as paid.

  3. View single claim and grouped claim details for each batch.

Create a claims batch

To create a claims batch, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Claims Batch page, click Create Batch. The Add Claim Batch form opens.

  2. In the Name text box, enter a name for the claims batch.

  3. From the From Date and To Date dropdown calendars, select the relevant dates.

  4. Click Save to save the claims batch. The Claims Batch page opens and displays the newly created batch.

Mark a claim as paid

To mark a claim as paid, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Claims Batch page, using the Year dropdown list, select the required year to customize the list of claims batches. A list of claims batches appears.

  2. Select the required claims batch.Ā 

  3. Click āˆØ arrow on the required claims batch card. The card expands.

  4. Click Detailed View. A detailed view of the selected claims batch appears.

  5. Click Mark As Paid to mark the selected claims batch as paid. A success message appears.
    Note: You can click the undo icon to stop the payout process for the selected claims batch.

View single claim and grouped claim details for each batch

To view the single claim and grouped claim details for each batch, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Claims Batch page, using the Year dropdown list, select the required year to customize the list of claims batches. A list of claims batches appears.

  2. Select the required claims batch.Ā 

  3. Click āˆØ arrow on the required claims batch card. The card expands.

  4. Click Detailed View. A detailed view of the selected claims batch appears.

  5. Click the Single Claims or Grouped Claims tab to view the detailed information of the selected claims batch.

Other actions that you can take on this page:

  • View claim details: To view the claim details of a particular employee, from the select an employee search box, enter the name or number of an employee.Ā 

  • Download Multi Claim Batch report: To download the Multi Claim Batch report, click Print under Grouped Claims tab. The report downloads in pdf format.

  • Update a claims batch: To update the details of a claims batch, click the Edit icon on the selected claims batch card. Update the relevant changes and click Save.

  • Delete a claims batch: To delete a claims batch, click the Delete icon on the selected claims batch card. Click Confirm to save the changes.

  • Lock a claims batch: To lock a claims batch, click the Lock icon on the selected claims batch card. A success message appears. Once you lock a batch, employees cannot submit claims for that period.

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