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Create claim on behalf of an employee

Updated in September- 2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

Expense claims are the requests an employee raises to reimburse the expenses he/she spent on an official trip. These claims could be for the costs incurred on travel, food, telephone bills, or any other expenses. The company pays these expenses separately and not in the employee's salary. You can then disperse the claimed amount through cash, cheque, recharge, or bank transfers based on the mode requested by the employee in the expense claim request. 

The Claims List page in the greytHR Admin portal allows you to create new multi-claims on behalf of your employees. The page displays a list of all the claims requested by the employees.

To view the Claims List page, navigate to Expense Claims > Claims List.

You can perform the following actions on the Claims List page:

  1. Create a single claim. 

  2. Create a multi claim.

  3. Add advances to a multi claim.

  4. Add individual claims to a multi claim.

  5. Finalize a multi claim.

Create a single claim

To create a single claim, perform the following actions:

  1. From the greytHR Admin portal, navigate to Expense Claims > Claims List.

  2. On the Claims List page, from the Search Employee search box, enter the name or number of an employee for whom you want to create a single claim. The Single Claims card appears.

  3. Click New Claim. The Local Conveyance option is selected by default. 

    Note: Click the Local Conveyance option. A list of options that you can claim appears.

  4. Click Create to create a single claim. The Local Conveyance form appears.

  5. From the Please select a claim item dropdown list, select the required item.

  6. Click Add Entry. The Available Entitlement details appear for the selected item.

  7. In the Receipt No text box, enter the relevant receipt number.

  8. From the Claim Date dropdown calendar, select the relevant date.

  9. In the Kms text box, enter the kilometers traveled, if applicable.

  10. In the Claim Amount text box, enter the amount, if applicable.

  11. In the Attachment, click Upload File. A dialog box appears.

  12. Browse to the folder, select the file, and click Open.
    Note: You can only upload files in PDF, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, TXT, PPT, PPTX, GIF, JPG, PNG, and ZIP formats.

  13. In the Remarks text box, enter the remarks, if any.

  14. Click Save to save the single claim.

  15. In the General Remarks text box, enter the remarks, if any.

  16. Click Send for Approval to send the claim for approval.

Create a multi claim

To create a multi claim, perform the following actions:

  1. From the greytHR Admin portal, navigate to Expense Claims > Claims List.

  2. On the Claims List page, from the Search Employee search box, enter the name or number of an employee for whom you want to create a new multi claim. A list of multi claims for the selected employee appears.
    Note: You can filter the multi claims by using the Show All/Show Open filters available besides the New Multi Claim button.

  3. Click New Multi Claim to add a new multi claim. The Add multi claim pop-up appears.

  4. In the Title text box, enter the title for the multi claim request.

  5. From the Type dropdown list, select the expense as Billable/Non-Billable.

  6. From the From and To dropdown calendars, select the required dates.

  7. In the Travel Location text box, enter the location to which you have traveled.

  8. From the Project dropdown list, select the relevant project name.

  9. Click Save to save the multi claim request as a draft. The created multi claim card appears on the Claims List page.
    Note: You can edit/delete a multi claim request using the Edit/Delete icons on the required card.

Add advances to a multi claim

To add advances to a multi claim, perform the following actions:

  1. From the greytHR Admin portal, navigate to Expense Claims > Claims List.

  2. On the Claims List page, from the Select Employee search box, enter the name or number of an employee for whom you want to create a new multi claim. A list of multi claims for the selected employee appears.

  3. Left-click the required multi claim request card. The card expands.

  4. Click the Advances tab to add advances to the selected multi claim request.

  5. Click Add Advance button to add the advance. The Add Advance pop-up appears.

  6. In the Currency dropdown list, select the relevant currency.

  7. In the Amount text box, enter the amount of advance.

  8. In the Date calendar dropdown, select the relevant date.

  9. From the Payment Type dropdown list, select the appropriate payment method.

  10. In the Remarks text box, enter the remarks, if any.

  11. Click Confirm to add the advance. The added advance claim appears under the Advances tab. 

Add individual claims to a multi claim

To add individual claims to a multi claim, perform the following actions:

  1. From the greytHR Admin portal, navigate to Expense Claims > Claims List.

  2. On the Claims List page, from the Select Employee search box, enter the name or number of an employee for whom you want to create a new multi claim. A list of multi claims for the selected employee appears.

  3. Left-click the required multi claim request card. The card expands.

  4. Click the Claims tab to add individual claims.

  5. Click New Claim to start applying for an individual claim request. The Expense Claim page opens.

  6. Select the Travel Expense Claims option.

  7. Click Create. The required Travel Expense Claims form appears. 

  8. From the Multi Claim dropdown list, select the required multi claim request to which you want to add the individual claim. 

  9. From the Please select a claim item dropdown list, select the relevant individual claim item. 

  10. Click Add Entry. The created individual claim request form appears.

  11. In the Receipt No text box, enter the receipt number of your bill.

  12. In the Claim Date text box, enter the date of the claim you are applying.

  13. In the Claim Amount text box, enter the amount of your bill.

  14. In the Attachment field, upload the relevant file. 

  15. In the Remarks text box, enter the remarks, if any.

  16. In the General Remarks text box, enter any additional remarks, if any.

  17. Click Send for Approval to submit the individual claim. The added individual claim appears under the Claims tab.

Finalize a multi claim

To finalize a multi claim, perform the following actions:

  1. From the greytHR Admin portal, navigate to Expense Claims > Claims List.

  2. On the Claims List page, from the Select Employee search box, enter the name or number of an employee for whom you want to create a new multi claim. A list of multi claims for the selected employee appears.

  3. Left-click the required multi claim request card. The card expands.

  4. Under any tab, click Finalize Multi Claim to close the multi claim. 

  5. Click Confirm to close the multi claim. Once you finalize the multi claim, the payout/recovery process starts accordingly.

Other actions you can perform:

  • Save the claim as a draft: To save and submit the claim later, click Save & Submit Later.

  • Download the claim report: to download and print the report, click Print. The report downloads in pdf format.

  • View single claims: To view the submitted, drafted, and completed single claims, click the Single Claims card on the Claims List page. From the Date dropdown calendar, select the date range as per your requirements and click OK. A list of single claims appears under their respective tabs. 

  • Delete a claim draft: To delete a drafted claim, click the Drafts tab. Click the Delete icon on the required row. Click Confirm to save the changes.

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