greytHR Help
Get Started - greytHR Admin Portal
đź“„ Know your greytHR
Highlights of the Month - Admin
Employee Lifecycle Management
Performance Management
Payroll Management
Leave Management
Attendance Management
Letter Management
Use cases - Letter Management
Expense Claim
Assets Management
Integrations with greytHR
DataShare Hub
Know more about greytHR
General Settings
Employee Settings
Payroll Settings
Leave Settings
Attendance Settings
Helpdesk Settings
greytHR Admin portal→

Become greytHR expert with in-depth help resources

Updated in March-2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

We know that greytHR is an easy but extensive application. Using the application might seem overwhelming when you are just a beginner. Hence we have put together a list of comprehensive guides, how-to videos, feature explainer videos, and FAQs for admins as well as employees.

Feel free to go through these free 24/7 available resources to have more understanding and clarity of each module and process. If you can't find the answers anywhere else, you can find it here. No need to wait for the support team's response which reduces your productivity. We also encourage you to share these resources with your employees.

Get started with the following resources and become a pro in greytHR!

Resources for admins

Resources for employees

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More resources:

▶ Video - Watch our how-to videos to learn more about greytHR.

❓ FAQs - Solve your queries using FAQs.

📢 Product Update - Read about the product updates.