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Review employee’s onboarding details

Updated in March- 2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

Reviewing employee onboarding details involves examining and evaluating the information and processes related to an employee's onboarding experience within an organization. Onboarding refers to the process of integrating new employees into the company and equipping them with the necessary knowledge, resources, and support to become productive and engaged members of the team.

The Review: Employee Onboarding page in the greytHR Admin portal displays the lists of employee onboarding forms submitted by the employees. You can view the status of the applications and the date of submission.

To view the Review: Employee Onboarding page, click Workflow > Review > Employee Onboarding.

The page displays the following tabs:

  • Active: Active tab displays the complete list of all employees for whom the onboarding form is released and must be verified.

  • Closed: Closed tab displays the list of employees for whom the onboarding is Verified or Withdrawn.

The following actions can be performed on the Review: Employee Onboarding page:

  1. Review employees' onboarding details.

  2. Remind the employee to submit onboarding details.

  3. Withdraw an onboarding request.

Review employee’s onboarding details

After the employee submits their details, you must review and take appropriate actions such as Accept/Reject the employee’s onboarding form. To review an employee onboarding form, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Employee Onboarding page, under the Active tab, click the employee's card whose details you must verify. The card expands. 

  2. Click Verify. The Verify Employee Onboarding page opens and displays the details submitted by the employee categorized under various tabs. 

  3. You can Accept/Reject each piece of information individually. You can also add remarks in the Remarks text box. On Verify Employee Onboarding page, you can view the acknowledged company policies/forms under the tab Company Policies and Forms.

  4. Post verification, click Submit. You must either Accept or Reject the information under each section to submit the verification. Submit pop-up appears.

  5. Select Notify employee to notify the employee. 

  6. Click Yes to complete the verification.

    • The approved information is updated in the application under Employee > Information

    • You can view the verified and accepted document under Employee > Information > Employee Documents.

    • Employees can view and download the documents verified by you under Documents in their ESS portal.

Remind the employee to submit onboarding details

You can remind an employee to complete the onboarding process. Perform the following actions to send a reminder to an employee:

  1. On the Employee Onboarding page, under the Active tab, click the employee card to whom you want to send the reminder. The card expands.

  2. Click Remind. The Remind pop-up appears.

  3. Click Yes to send a reminder to the employee.

Withdraw an onboarding request

You can revoke the onboarding access given to an employee. Perform the following actions to withdraw onboarding access:

  1. On the Employee Onboarding page, under the Active tab, click the employee card whose onboarding form you want to withdraw. The card expands.

  2. Click Withdraw. The Withdraw pop-up appears.

  3. Select Notify employee if you want to notify the employee.

    Note: If Notify employee option is selected, an email is sent to the employee, informing him/her that their onboarding access is withdrawn by the admin.

  4. Click Yes to withdraw the onboarding access.

As an admin, you can also create and download the Employee Onboarding report on the Query Builder page.

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