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greytHR Admin portal

Strengthen organization branding with Alumni portal!

Updated in March-2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

greytHR is bustling with activities! And it is not just for current employees but also for those who have left the organization. After leaving the organization, employees require access to multiple documents such as payslips, Form 16, IT statements, and letters from their former employer. The only way to obtain these documents is to contact you, the HR admins.

 The Alumni Portal helps to reduce dependency on you for such requirements and makes exited employees self-sufficient. You, as HR admin, can provide limited access to the ESS portal for employees at the time of exit for a fixed amount of time.

Note: The Alumni portal is a paid add-on feature for our Essential, Growth, and Enterprise plan users in India and the Middle East.

Benefits of Alumni Portal for Admin

Benefits of Alumni Portal for Employee

Watch the video to understand the feature:

Are you excited to begin? Complete the following steps to start getting the benefits of the Alumni Portal:

  1. Enable Alumni Portal

  2. Configure access duration of the Alumni portal

  3. Customize alumni portal access on the Separation/Off-boarding page

  4. Employees access the ESS (Alumni) portal after separation

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