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Create workflow levels for DeviceDetect

Updated in March- 2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

After enabling the DeviceDetect feature and configuring access rights for the required users, the third step is to create workflow levels for the feature. The process involves establishing different stages or levels within a workflow specifically designed for the DeviceDetect feature. 

The Workflow Levels page in the greytHR Admin portal helps you create a workflow policy, and finalize the number of reviewers required to approve an employee’s DeviceDetect request. 

To view the Workflow Levels page, click Workflow > Setup > Workflow Levels.

Create DeviceDetect workflow levels

To create workflow levels for DeviceDetect, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Workflow Levels page, click Add Workflow Levels. The form opens.

  2. Under General Settings, from the Select Workflow Type dropdown list, select DeviceDetect.

  3. In the Policy Name text box, enter a name for the policy.

  4. In the Policy Description text box, enter a description of the policy.

  5. From the Select Employee Filter dropdown list, select the required employee filter. The policy will be applicable to the selected employee filter.

  6. Click Save Policy to save the General Settings.

  7. Click Next to move to the Workflow Levels Settings.

  8. In the Reviewer section, select the 1 Level option. For the DeviceDetect feature, you can have only one level of reviewer.

  9. From the Reviewer Level 1 dropdown list, select Admin. When an employee requests for changing a device, the application goes to the admin for approval. Note: You cannot select the Application Actions for one reviewer.

  10. Click Save Policy to save the DeviceDetect workflow levels settings.

  11. Click Next to view the summary of the created policy.

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