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Manage employee leave details

Updated in March- 2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

Effectively managing employee leave is crucial for maintaining productivity, ensuring workforce optimization, and fostering a healthy work-life balance within the organization. It helps in efficient resource allocation, minimizing disruptions, and promoting employee well-being.

The Employee Leave page in the greytHR Admin portal displays the overview of an employee’s complete leave-related details for the current leave year. The page categorizes information for the various leave types using tabs for each leave type. You can also view and export leave information such as Code, Leave Type, Scheme Name, the number of leave granted, availed, and the remaining balance for each leave type. 

To view the Employee Leave page, click Leave > Information > Employee Leave.

You can perform the following actions on the Employee Leave page:

  1. View employee’s detailed leave information. 

  2. Post leave transaction for an employee.

  3. Apply for leave on behalf of an employee.

  4. Download employee’s leave transaction details.

View employee’s detailed leave information 

To view an employee’s detailed leave information, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Employee Leave page, from the Search Employee search box, enter the employee name or number whose information you want to view. A list of leave associated with the selected employee appears under the Overview tab.

  2. Click any tab next to the Overview tab to view the details of a specific type of leave. For example - Click the COMPOFF tab. A list of comp offs associated with the employee appears.

  3. Select the checkboxes of the required transaction to view the details of that transaction. 

  4. Click the Edit/Delete options to edit/delete the transaction details.

Post leave transaction for an employee

To post a leave transaction for an employee, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Employee Leave page, from the Search Employee search box, enter the employee name or number for whom you want to post a leave transaction. 

  2. Click Post Leave Transaction. A form appears.

  3. From the Leave Type dropdown list, select the relevant type of leave. The Balance field automatically displays the number of days remaining for the selected leave type.

  4. From the Transaction Type dropdown list, select the relevant type of transaction.

  5. From the From Date dropdown calendar, select the required date.

  6. From the From Session dropdown list, select the required type of session.

  7. From the To Date dropdown calendar, select the required date. 

  8. From the To Session dropdown list, select the required type of session.

  9. In the Days textbox, the number of days gets automatically calculated based on the selected period.

  10. In the Reason textbox, enter the relevant reason.

  11. Click Save to post the leave transaction. A success message appears.

Apply for leave on behalf of an employee

To apply for leave on behalf of an employee, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Employee Leave page, from the Search Employee search box, enter the name or number of an employee for whom you want to apply for leave.

  2. Click Apply On Behalf. A form appears.

  3. From the Leave Type dropdown list, select the relevant type of leave. The Balance field automatically displays the remaining days for the selected leave type.

  4. From the Transaction Type dropdown list, select the type of transaction. 

  5. From the From Date dropdown calendar, select the required date.

  6. From the From Session dropdown list, select the required session.

  7. From the To Date dropdown calendar, select the required date. 

  8. From the To Session dropdown list, select the required session.

  9. In the Days textbox, the number of days gets automatically calculated based on the selected period.

  10. From the Apply To dropdown list, select the required manager.

  11. In the Reason textbox, enter the required reason to apply for the leave.

  12. In the Contact Details textbox, add the required contact details for reference.

  13. Click Select available next to the CC To textbox. A pop-up appears.

  14. Select the checkboxes of the required employees as per your requirements and click Add.

  15. In the Attachment, click Upload File. The dialog box appears. Browse to the folder in your system. Select the required file and click Open.

  16. Click Apply to apply for leave on behalf of the selected employee. A success message appears.

Download employee’s leave transaction details

To download the employee’s leave transaction details, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Employee Leave page, from the Search Employee search box, enter the name or number of an employee whose details you want to download.

  2. Click Download. The Export Leave Transactions pop-up form appears.

  3. From the From and To dropdown calendars, select the relevant dates.

  4. From the Leave Type dropdown list, select the required leave type

  5. From the Leave Transaction dropdown list, select the required leave transaction.

  6. From the Order by dropdown list, select the required option.

  7. From Generate as, select the required format as per your requirements.

  8. Click Generate to download the leave transaction details. The report downloads in the selected format.

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