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Process leave year end activities manually

Updated in February- 2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

Leave year end (LYE) refers to the conclusion of a designated period during which an employee's accrued leave is assessed and reset. Processing leave year end is essential for maintaining accurate leave records, evaluating leave balances, and preparing for the upcoming year.

The leave year end enables organizations to effectively manage employee time off, ensure compliance with policies, and promote a fair and balanced allocation of leave throughout the workforce. It ensures that all the leave-related activities, such as lapses, encashments, and carry-forward balances, are settled before the next leave year begins. 

The Year End Process page in the greytHR Admin portal enables you to execute the leave year-end process manually. You can also opt for automatic processing. To view the Year End Process page, click Leave > Admin > Year End Process.

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The page displays the following tabs:

  • Pending Application - The tab displays a list of all the pending leave applications. 

  • Year End Policy - The tab displays the list of policies associated with the leave year end.

  • Manual Process - The tab displays a list of batches you have processed. Each batch contains the list of employees, balance, encashed, lapsed, and closing leave balance details. 

You can perform the following actions on the Year End Process page:

  1. Clear pending leave applications.

  2. View and edit existing leave year end policy.

  3. Process leave year end manually.

  4. Delete the leave year-end batches.

Clear pending leave applications

To clear pending leave applications, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Year End Process page, under the Pending Applications tab, using the Manager filter, customize the list of pending applications.

  2. Click Accept/Reject as per the requirements to clear the pending leave application. You can also click the Remind as Email button to send the mail to the manager. A Send Reminder Mail pop-up appears.

  3. Click Confirm to send the reminder email.

View and edit leave year end policy

To view and edit a leave year end policy, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Year End Process page, under the Year End Policy tab, click the required scheme you want to edit. The card expands.

  2. Click the Edit icon next to the scheme details. A form appears.

  3. In the Maximum limit of leave(s) that can be carried forward text box enter the required number of days.

  4. In the Maximum limit of leave(s) that can be encashed in the text box enter the required number of leave.

  5. In the Maximum limit of leave(s) that can be transferred to another leave type text box enter the required number of leave.

  6. Click the Save button to save the details. 

Process leave year end manually

To process year end manually, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Year End Process page, under the Manual Process tab, click Year End Process. A form appears.

  2. From the For the year dropdown search box, search the relevant leave year.

  3. From the Leave Scheme dropdown list, select the required scheme.

  4. Select the Leave types from the column.

  5. Click Process to complete the manual leave year end process.

Delete the leave year-end batches

To delete the created batches, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Year End Process page, under the Manual Process tab, select the batches using the check box.

  2. Click the Delete button to delete the selected batch. You can also download a batch by clicking the Download button available next to the required batch. 


  1. After processing the Leave Year End manually, if you want to make any changes to your previous year's leave-related information you can click the Roll Back button available on the Leave Overview page. This action deletes the content for all the leave types and reverts the leave balance. But this is not a recommended practice.

  2. To roll back the leave year end, perform the following actions:

    1. Navigate to Leave > Main > Leave Overview.

    2. On the Leave year end banner, click Roll Back. The Roll Back Leave Year End process pop-up appears.

  3. Click Confirm to revert the leave year end process.

    Note: After rolling back ensure to complete the Year End Process again, manually.

Once the leave year end is processed, you must create a new holiday calendar and grant leave for the new leave year.

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