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View leave calendar

Updated in March- 2024 | Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

A leave calendar is crucial for any organization as it helps effectively manage employee time off. It enables easy scheduling and tracking of leave requests, ensures adequate staffing, and keeps productivity and workflow running smoothly.

The Leave Calendar page in the greytHR Admin portal displays the leave information of the employees in a calendar format along with the number and types of leave taken by each employee. You can view the current and previous months' leave information of your employees. The page also allows you to download the employees’ leave details.

To view the Leave Calendar page, click Leave > Main > Leave Calendar.

You can perform the following actions on the Leave Calendar page:

  1. View employees on leave.

  2. Export employees’ leave details.

View employees on leave 

To view the employees on leave, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Leave Calendar page, select the required calendar year in the top right corner of the page. 

  2. Click  ◀ or ▶ to select the relevant month. Select the required day in the calendar to view the detailed information about the leave availed by your employees. The number with blue highlights indicates the number of employees on leave for the day.

  3. From the Category and Transaction Type dropdown filters, select the required options to customize your view.

Export employees leave details

To export employees’ leave details, perform the following actions:

  1. On the Leave Calendar page, using the Category and Transaction Type dropdown filters, customize the list of leave availed by your employees.

  2. Click the Export To Excel button to generate the report. The report is downloaded in Excel format.

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