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Update employeesโ€™ PAN status

Updated inย March- 2024 |ย Subscribe to watch greytHR how-to video

The Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a computer-generated unique identification number provided by the Income Tax Department. Each person/entity eligible for paying income tax must have this number. The PAN is the primary key for storing all the tax-related information for a person's tax records across the country. PAN is a statutory requirement.

The PAN Status page in the greytHR Admin portal provides you with a quick overview of employees' PAN details in the database. You can view the employee details such as name, number, joining date, PAN availability status, PAN no, and verification status.

To view the PAN Status page, click Payroll > Admin > PAN Status.

You can perform the following actions on the PAN Status page:

  1. Update PAN

  2. Update PAN Status

  3. Verify employees' PAN

Update PAN

If employees have not updated their PAN during onboarding, you can use the PAN Status page to update the information. To add employees' PAN, perform the following actions:

  1. On the PAN Status page, a list of all employees displays.

  2. Using the PAN Status, Employee, Employee Filter, and Employee Status filters, customize the employee list as per your requirements.

  3. Under the PAN NO column, double-click the required employee's cell and add the PAN of the selected employee.

  4. Click Save to update the employee's PAN in the database.


  1. The PAN Status and PAN No columns are editable when your selection is PAN AVAILABLE. If the choice is any of the other options, then the PAN No column automatically reflects the value of PAN Status.

  2. You must ensure to update your employees' PAN details on the Employee Profile page.

Update PAN status

You can update the availability status of employees' PAN on the PAN Status page. To view and edit the status, perform the following actions:

  1. On the PAN Status page, a list of all employees displays.

  2. Using the PAN Status, Employee, Employee Filter, and Employee Status filters, customize the employee list as per your requirements.

  3. Under the PAN Status column, double-click the required employee's cell to view the dropdown list.

  4. Select the required status. The available statuses are PAN Available, PAN Applied, and PAN Not Available.

  5. Click Save to update the availability status of the required employees.

Verify employees' PAN

The PAN Status page helps you to mark employees' PAN as verified. To mark employees' PAN as verified, perform the following actions:

  1. On the PAN Status page, a list of all employees displays.

    You can use the PAN Status, Employee, Employee Filter, and Employee Status filters to customize the employee list as per your requirements.

  2. Under the Verified column, select the checkboxes for the employees whose PAN you want to mark as verified. A success message displays.

Note: You can also bulk upload your employees' PAN details by using the Import from Excel option on the Excel Import page.

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